
Damaged Roof Decking Signs and How to Resolve Them

If you're a homeowner, it's important to be aware of the different parts of your roofing system and what they do. This includes the roof deck, which is one of the most crucial components because it provides structural support for the rest of the roof. In this blog post, we'll discuss damaged roof decking including the signs and why you can't repair it.

What You Should Know About Your Roofer: Essential Questions to Ask

When it comes to your roof, you want to make sure that you hire a qualified and reputable roofer. After all, it's one of the most important parts of your home, so it's important to make sure that it's in good hands. As such, [company_name] is going to share a few things that you should know about your roofing company before hiring them. We share a few key questions to ask them as well.

Preventing Roof Damage From Animals

Roofs are resistant to different kinds of weather, but there are also other things they can be susceptible to - such as animal-related damage. Roofing systems may not look like the ideal home for critters and pests, but these have ample space within them to allow animals to roost or nest. The presence of animals can put your home at risk, especially if they leave droppings or burrow into your woodwork.

Questions to Ask Your Roofer During an Inspection

Roofs are made to last for a long time, but they must be maintained to keep them in working order. This is why regular inspections are important in keeping a roof healthy.
To help you get the most out of your roofing inspection, we share here a few questions you can ask your roofers during their visit.

Factors That Affect Your Roof’s Wind Resistance

Roofing systems are built to withstand various elements, especially wind. Different kinds of roofs have varying levels of wind resistance, which is defined by certain factors in the construction and design of the roofing system. With proper consideration of how the roof is built and your local climate and environment, your roof can last for a long time and stand up well against the wind.