If you are planning on getting a new roof, a few roofing contractors may have offered the options of a roof-over instead of a standard roof replacement. But what's the difference between the two?
It’s no secret that roof replacement is one of the costliest home improvements, and you shouldn’t skimp on it if you want to get the best roof for your home. In today’s post, we share some money-saving tips for your next roof replacement that won't compromise roofing quality.
When it comes to residential roofing systems, most homeowners think that contractors only use one kind of shingle to complete an installation. This isn’t necessarily the case as nowadays as there is another kind that roofers install in tandem with the actual shingles of your roof: ridge cap shingles.
The roof is one of the most important components of any home as it is a property’s first line of defense against the elements. As such, you can expect it to sustain some damage over time, and, when your residential roofing system sustains severe damage, you may need to have it replaced sooner rather than later. However, when you’re getting your roof replaced, you first need to get an estimate, and, as the homeowner, it’s best that
A roofing system is one of the principal components of any home. After all, it protects the entire structure from the elements while keeping your home as energy-efficient as possible at the same time. As such, it’s understandable if you want it to last for as long as possible. Luckily, roof installation pros say that helping your roof last can be done in a few easy steps.