Your residential roofing system isn’t just about the shingles and the shingle coating. Since humans made homes, drawing water away from parts of the roof to prevent leaks has been a common practice.
Stopping the Weather in Its Tracks: The GAF Weather Stopper®
While your roof will never stay intact forever, some products are so good that they last long enough for the manufacturer to guarantee satisfaction for as long as 20 years.
Why GAF’s Timberline® Asphalt Shingles Beat Wood Shakes
GAF’s Timberline® architectural roofing shingles are what traditional wood shakes and shingles were over 125 years ago: ubiquitous. However, asphalt shingle technology was invented and advanced, and the rest is history. Today, GAF’s marquee offering is North America’s best-selling roofing product. Although wood is still on the roofing market, they’re no longer as popular after meeting their match. [Read more…]
Our Solutions to 5 Common Residential Roofing Problems
Roofs are constantly exposed to outside conditions, so it’s normal for them to develop some problems as they age. What’s important is that these problems should be addressed properly and in a timely manner.
Repair or Replace: When is the Best Time for Either?
Knowing whether you should have your roof repaired or replaced helps with major decisions like the cost of repairs or replacement, or finding the right contractor. Identifying its condition is a challenge in itself. Not all residential roofing conditions are as easily identifiable as a wind-blown damage. If you’re trying to decide whether you should repair or replace your roof, consider the following: [Read more…]