While your roof will never stay intact forever, some products are so good that they last long enough for the manufacturer to guarantee satisfaction for as long as 20 years.
How We Make Strata Roofing a Breeze
Homeowner’s associations oftentimes make home improvements and repairs difficult. Since they are beholden to certain rules that strata boards and associations impose, getting something fixed or remodeled can be quite difficult.
We Offer Lifetime Roofing Systems From GAF
As one of the few GAF Master Elite® residential roofing contractors in your area, Crown Roofing LTD. can provide you with a range of top-of-the-line roofing systems engineered for quality. One of these is the GAF Lifetime Roofing System, a true long-term roof system that’s all about aesthetics and utility.
5 Crucial Items in a Roof Maintenance Plan
Preventive maintenance can catch roof problems early and head off leaks. Although its benefits are universally relevant, each inspection and repair plan must be made on a case-by-case basis. In Crown Roofing LTD ’s book, here are the most important factors to consider when developing one: [Read more…]
Dangers of an Incomplete Roofing System
When you replace your roof, make sure you get a complete roofing system. Asphalt shingles are of utmost importance, but secondary components, such as starter shingles, underlayments and intake and exhaust vents, matter just the same. If you forgo at least one of these accessories or choose to use products from different manufacturers, here are the risks you could face: